Spatial Strategies for Innovation and Development [Spring Semester 2016 – 2021]
The course focuses on the study and understanding of (a) the spatial dimension of innovation and its different systemic forms, (b) the mechanisms and institutions that support/promote innovation and lead to the establishment of spatial innovation systems, and (c) policies and strategies that enhance innovation at different spatial levels.
Smart Cities and Innovation Ecosystems [Fall Semester 2020 – ]
The aim of the course is to examine the different ways in which new ICT developments affect (a) the urban environment at different spatial scales (city, neighbourhood, neighbourhood, building), (b) the operation and organisation of the city and (c) the development of innovations and emergence of intelligence in the urban space. The course examines the interaction between society/individuals and technology in the urban context using examples of cities around the world that have developed networks, infrastructures and digital services to support their operation but also domain specific applications and solutions in the sectors of transport, energy, governance etc.