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- ST4TE: Strategies for Just and Twin Transition (2024 - 2026) European Commission, HORIZON Europe.
- MOBI-Twin: Twin transition and changing patterns of spatial mobility: a regional approach (2023 - 2026) European Commission, HORIZON Europe.
- NET4Age-Friendly: International Interdisciplinary Network on Smart Healthy Age-friendly Environments (2020 - 2024) European Commission, COST Action.
- TREND: Transition with Resilience for Evolutionary Development (2019 - 2023) HORIZON2020 MSCA RISE (823952).
- Support for RIS3 (2021-2027) in Greece and Cyprus, European Commission, Directorate-General Regional and Urban Policy (2019 - 2020) Intelspace Innovation Technologies with funds from the European Commission.
- DCC: Digital Cities Challenge. Appointed local expert for the formulation of Kavala's digital transformation strategy. (2018 - 2019) European Commission & Technopolis Group.
- NEWBITS: New Business Models for ITS (2016 - 2019) European Commission, H2020-MG-6.3-2016.
- ONLINE S3: ONLINE Platform for Smart Specialisation Policy Advice (2016 - 2018) European Commission, H2020-ISSI-2015-1.
- STORM Clouds: Surfing Towards the Opportunity of Real Migration to cloud-based Public Services (2014 - 2017) CIP-ICT-PSP-2013-7.
- HIDDEN: Human Capabilities as a Basic Component of Development Dynamics and Differentiation of Regions: The Case of Greece. (2014 - 2016) Thalis, Operational Programme "Education and Life-Long Learning".
- UAE University Science Park of the Future: Strategic Plan for Development (2014 - ) BIR Ventures USA.
- MAIN: Mastering innovation in Serbia: Development and implementation of interdisciplinary postgraduate curricula in innovation management (2013 - 2017) European Commission – TEMPUS IV.
- Regional Resilience: ECR2 - Economic Crises: Resilience of Regions (2013 - 2015) ESPON 2013.
- SMART SPECIALISATION: Plan of Smart Regional Specialization for the promotion of competitiveness, research and innovation. (2013 - 2015) European Territorial Cooperation Programee Greece –Bulgaria 2007-2013.
- INNOLAB: Innovation Laboratories: using an open innovation learning platform & action research in enterprise education in order to enhance the engagement & innovative capabilities of Universities in Ukrainian Society (2012 - 2015) European Commission, TEMPUS Project.
- P2T 2.0: Passport to Trade 2.0. (2012 - 2014) Leonardo Da Vinci, DG Education and Culture.
- InnoSee: Seeding Innovation: Training for Research-driven Clusters (2012 - 2014) European Commission, Lifelong Learning Programme – Leonardo Da Vinci, DG Education and Culture.
- PEOPLE: Pilot smart urban Ecosystems leveraging Open innovation for Promoting and enabLing future E-Services (2010 - 2013) European Commission, FP7, DG Information Society and Media. Grant Agreement No: 271027.
- MNEMOS: Quality & Innovation in Vocational Training for Enterprise Cultural Heritage (2010 - 2012) European Commission, Lifelong Learning Programme, DG Education and Culture.
- Sustainability report of the Mavrodendri settlement in Kozani (2010 - ) Regional Unit of Kozani.
- INTERVALUE: Inter-regional cooperation for valorization of research results (2009 - 2012) EU Transnational Cooperation Programme South East Europe, INTERREG IIC. Project AF/A/426/1.1/X.
- PYTHAGORAS II: Spatial integration of policies for sustainable urban development and digital governance: the case of the metropolitan area of Thessaloniki (2005 - 2007) Operational Programme "Education and Life-Long Learning".
- Sustainable Urban Development and the Protection of the Environment (2005 - ) Operational Programme "Education and Life-Long Learning".
- NPD-NET: Inter-regional Cooperation for New Product Development (2004 - 2006) EU Community Initiative INTERREG IIIC. Project 2E0036I.
- SIMCODE-IGT: Spatial Impacts of Multimodal Corridor Development. (2000 - 2006) European Commission, ARCHIMED 2000-2006 INTERREGIIIB.
- SEMSON: Southeast Mediterranean Observatory Network (2000 - 2006) European Commission, INTERREG IIIB ARCHIMED.
- DCC: Digital Cities Challenge. Appointed local expert for the formulation of Kavala's digital transformation strategy. (2018 - 2019) European Commission & Technopolis Group.
- STORM Clouds: Surfing Towards the Opportunity of Real Migration to cloud-based Public Services (2014 - 2017) CIP-ICT-PSP-2013-7.
- UAE University Science Park of the Future: Strategic Plan for Development (2014 - ) BIR Ventures USA.
- PEOPLE: Pilot smart urban Ecosystems leveraging Open innovation for Promoting and enabLing future E-Services (2010 - 2013) European Commission, FP7, DG Information Society and Media. Grant Agreement No: 271027.
- ST4TE: Strategies for Just and Twin Transition (2024 - 2026) European Commission, HORIZON Europe.
- NET4Age-Friendly: International Interdisciplinary Network on Smart Healthy Age-friendly Environments (2020 - 2024) European Commission, COST Action.
- HIDDEN: Human Capabilities as a Basic Component of Development Dynamics and Differentiation of Regions: The Case of Greece. (2014 - 2016) Thalis, Operational Programme "Education and Life-Long Learning".
- MAIN: Mastering innovation in Serbia: Development and implementation of interdisciplinary postgraduate curricula in innovation management (2013 - 2017) European Commission – TEMPUS IV.
- SMART SPECIALISATION: Plan of Smart Regional Specialization for the promotion of competitiveness, research and innovation. (2013 - 2015) European Territorial Cooperation Programee Greece –Bulgaria 2007-2013.
- INNOLAB: Innovation Laboratories: using an open innovation learning platform & action research in enterprise education in order to enhance the engagement & innovative capabilities of Universities in Ukrainian Society (2012 - 2015) European Commission, TEMPUS Project.
- InnoSee: Seeding Innovation: Training for Research-driven Clusters (2012 - 2014) European Commission, Lifelong Learning Programme – Leonardo Da Vinci, DG Education and Culture.
- MNEMOS: Quality & Innovation in Vocational Training for Enterprise Cultural Heritage (2010 - 2012) European Commission, Lifelong Learning Programme, DG Education and Culture.
- INTERVALUE: Inter-regional cooperation for valorization of research results (2009 - 2012) EU Transnational Cooperation Programme South East Europe, INTERREG IIC. Project AF/A/426/1.1/X.
- NPD-NET: Inter-regional Cooperation for New Product Development (2004 - 2006) EU Community Initiative INTERREG IIIC. Project 2E0036I.
- SIMCODE-IGT: Spatial Impacts of Multimodal Corridor Development. (2000 - 2006) European Commission, ARCHIMED 2000-2006 INTERREGIIIB.
- Support for RIS3 (2021-2027) in Greece and Cyprus, European Commission, Directorate-General Regional and Urban Policy (2019 - 2020) Intelspace Innovation Technologies with funds from the European Commission.
- ONLINE S3: ONLINE Platform for Smart Specialisation Policy Advice (2016 - 2018) European Commission, H2020-ISSI-2015-1.
- TREND: Transition with Resilience for Evolutionary Development (2019 - 2023) HORIZON2020 MSCA RISE (823952).
- NEWBITS: New Business Models for ITS (2016 - 2019) European Commission, H2020-MG-6.3-2016.
- Regional Resilience: ECR2 - Economic Crises: Resilience of Regions (2013 - 2015) ESPON 2013.
- P2T 2.0: Passport to Trade 2.0. (2012 - 2014) Leonardo Da Vinci, DG Education and Culture.